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You've got your head in the clouds ▬ RPS

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You've got your head in the clouds ▬ RPS Empty
MessageSujet: You've got your head in the clouds ▬ RPS You've got your head in the clouds ▬ RPS EmptySam 10 Déc 2011 - 2:54

Hailee J. Mackenzie
A mon avis, lorsque l'on est confronté à des choix, que ce soit en acte ou en pensée, gardons à l'esprit que nous sommes mortels. Et tâchons de vivre de manière à ce que personne n'ait à se réjouir de notre mort. (John Steinbeck)

25 ansProfilerHaiMilwaukeeCélibataireLIBRE

L I S T E D ' A T T E N T E


[url=http://]TITRE ICI[/url] ϟ feat. personnage
[url=http://]TITRE ICI[/url] ϟ feat. personnage
You've got your head in the clouds ▬ RPS Amber_heard12You've got your head in the clouds ▬ RPS Amber_heard19You've got your head in the clouds ▬ RPS Amber_heard53You've got your head in the clouds ▬ RPS Amber_heard102You've got your head in the clouds ▬ RPS Amber_heard135You've got your head in the clouds ▬ RPS Amber_heard140You've got your head in the clouds ▬ RPS Amber_heard156You've got your head in the clouds ▬ RPS Amber_heard8You've got your head in the clouds ▬ RPS Amber_heard14You've got your head in the clouds ▬ RPS Amber_heard141You've got your head in the clouds ▬ RPS Amber_heard16

T E R M I N E S / A B A N D O N N ÉS

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You've got your head in the clouds ▬ RPS

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